Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Very First Blog!!

Let me start off by saying, "Welcome to Oatmeal Creme Pies." We all have our own little weaknesses, and mine happens to be Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies. And I do not mean the little ones either. I'm talking about the big ones that ARE labeled for individual resale. If I pick up a box at Sam's Club, it will not last more than 2 or 3 days. It's an addiction. Hence, the title of my blog.

I have much to say, but I will begin with a little bit about me. A "100 Things About Me" will come at a later date. I am a 34 year-old daddy of two and today happens to be my 13th wedding anniversary. I have been staying at home with the kids since we moved to Alabama from Colorado in October, 2003, when my son was 8 months old. I also have a 3 year-old daughter. Other than about 75 days of substitute teaching, I have been of no financial help to my family, but luckily I got myself a sugar momma. Actually, I have a gorgeous and highly intelligent wife who makes very good money as a pharmaceutical representative. (She sells drugs)

Thanks to my brother, I have taken up online poker (the free kind) and I spend my free time either doing that or working in the yard. In the fall, my attention switches to Fantasy Football. I hope to be joining a local poker league in the very near future.

1 comment:

Laura McCammon said...

He's not kidding about the Creme Pies. When I see the box in the pantry, I just shake my head and close the door.
When he says he's of no financial help, he clearly doesn't know how much I would have to pay someone to do all the things he does, so that I don't have to do them, PLUS he's a great cook, and I'm not just talking about the kitchen ;-)
I do worry, seeing as how he stays home with the kids, when I read that he spends all his free time playing online poker or working in the yard...who're you paying to teach our kids all that cool stuff they know???